EURONOR presentation

Our story

Euronor – le Comptoir des Pêches d’Europe du Nord – is born in January 2006 by the merger of the last both fishing armament from Boulogne-sur-Mer harbor : Le Garrec (created in 1929) and Nord-Pêcheries (1945). Famillies Le Garrec & Leduc shared the same values – particulary the human respect  – them they decided to share they expertise for been an major actor in saith fishery and other great ocean floor species . Five years later,  Euronor has been an 100 % subsidiary company of the british group UK Fisheries, himself child of the merger of both fishing industry mondial leader : the Iclandic Samherji HF & the Dutch Parlevliet & Van der Plas.


Une longue tradition

We are a part of the French history of deep-sea fishing.

Newfoundland, Labrador, Greenland, Spitzberg ou Iceland have been popular destinations since five century by the cod fisheries who fed our people several times threatened by famine.

If the coastal artisanal fishery is focused  on flatfish (sole, common dab, …), rock fish (red mullet, gurnard, …), cephalopods (squid, cuttlefish, …), crustaceans (crab, norway lobster, lobster, …), deep sea fishing completes the diversity of contribution  and ensures the necessary volumes for the market with popular species as: cod, saithe, hake, haddock… Deep sea vessels could not exploit the artisanal fishery ressource along the coast and artisanal fishing vessels would not able to frequent high sea fishing areas.

The first one for a question of insufficient volumes to ensure the profitabilty  of vessels and the second for security reasons : the vessels would be too small and would not be strong enough to confront with bad weather, with insufficent storage capacity with respect to the remoteness of fishing areas.

Do not oppose these fisheries , they are not substituable, they are indissociable and complementary !

Our mission

We allow to our seamens to work on vessels safe and performing.
We respect european hygiene standards and tracability.
We conserve  the environment and the la fishery ressource.
Our society Euronor ensure a high quality virtuous production both environmentally than societal. Servale certification attest. As, the MSC  label (Marine Stewardship Council), attribute after a long evaluation period by this independent NGO , consumer garantee that the product as been responsibly caught according with respecting the fish stocks and ecosystems.

A group with strong value

Since january 2011, we joined the british group UK Fisheries Limited, with whom we share a lot of values ,becoming its 100% subsidiary. Owner of serveral armament un Scotland,  Spain, Germany and in faroe islands , also established in France with 50 % of the Compagnie des Pêches de Saint-Malo capital, UK Fisheries belong by both of the world fishing leader : the Iclandic  Samherji HF and the dutch Parlevliet & Van der Plas. In remaining french our armament takes adventage of the ability of a powerful group with expertise.