
Main species

Main species

We fish about twenty species in the North sea and the Northest arctic of which we present here the main.

Saithe  Pollachius virens

We fish saithe all year, along the coast from southern,  Norway going up along the Shetland Islands and western Scotland depending on the season.

Saithe is a fish wih taste and nutritive qualities often underestimate certainly because of the brown color of his flesh before roasting. Yet saithe is a firm-fleshed fish,  Pourtant le lieu noir est un poisson à chair ferme, without being too dre, with few edgrd, easy to cook and low fat. It is a species that breeds in the fjords and grows up before reaching the open sea as an adult. This peculiarity protects the young saithe from fishing mortality and the current climatic conditions are suitable for this species. Our fishery is certified sustainable and well managed according to the criterial of the Marine Stewarship Council (MSC) since 2011. We are conviced that with all these qualities, saithe is a kind of future.

Cod    Gadus morhua

We are fishing for cod in the Northeast arctic, in Barentz sea, and next to the archipelago of Spitzberg island , in the Svalbard. France have an annual quota of around 2000 tonnes in these areas where the major actors are the norwegians and the russians. The cod stock is considered healthy and our fishery is certified since 2012. 

We also fish for cod in the North sea in bycatch with saithe. Between 1 and 4% depending on the year.  After several yearqs when cod seemed to have deserted the North sea, we observed since 2015 à a gradual return of this species to the North sea.

Fifheries of Newfoundland, of Iceland , Feroes island and  Norway developed from the 16th century in addition to local coastal fisheries. They have often helped to feed the populations during difficult times. The cod was then kept on board in the salt. Today the production of this fishery is mostly threaded and frozen at sea.

Haddock   Melanogrammus aeglefinus

We fish haddock as bycatch of cod in the northeastern artic zone and saithe in the North sea.

It is not much consumed in France as fresh fish, it is one of the most popular fish in England in fish & chips.

Hake     Merluccius merluccius

Historically caughtin France in the mediterranean and  in atlantic, hake now settles in the North sea ans seem to like it. We are happy to see arrival of good sized hake in all areas where we work.

Delicat fish, with a beautiful and delicious white flesh. We take a great care in the work of hake, at is crating and its conservation on ice under a sheet of parchment paper to protect it from the cold burn.

Ling     molva molva

We mainly fish ling in the North sea as bycatch to the saithe.We observe a strong increase in the presence of ling in the North sea since 2016 . It is rather news that we look forward to.

The flesh of the ling is very white. we eat it fresh, cut into filets, long and poor in edges.

Greenland halibut     Reinhardtius hippoglossoides

It is caught at certain times of the year with redfish in the nothern North sea.

Greenland halibut is mainly consumed in filets fresh or smoked. Its flesh is particulary suitable for smoking . It can be mistaken with the more rare Atlantic halibut, Hippoglossus hippoglossus whose tastier flesh is highly appreciated by expert.

Redfish     Sebastes spp.

We fish it at certain times of the yeats with Greenland halibut in the North sea.

The scientific name sebastes spp. means the redfish family. The two types of redfish we encounter in our fishing areas are redfish mentella and marinus. They are very similar, mentella are well marked in red while the sébastes marinus are more orange. Principaly comercializes in filets the distinction becomes almost impossible. Redfish is often confused with its Mediterranean cousin the scorpion fish.